
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Apple vs Microsoft

Let me start off by admitting that I do not drink the Apple Kool Aid, I find the taste to be quite bitter. I began my computer career with Microsoft products. I have always found their architecture to be more open and inviting for the hobbyist. Through events and generous giveaways to the academic field, I always had all the legitimate Microsoft software and support that I wanted. Apple, on the other hand, has always had a snobbish attitude. Sort of, “We know what’s best for you kid. Just hand over your computer and we’ll fix it for you for a fee.” They never like to admit mistakes and write off their failures as if they never happened (Apple TV, The Newton, etc.) They got lucky with the iPod and have been reliving that suceess for the past 10 years.One day an iPod killer will appear in the market, it may not be made by Microsoft, but everyone will realize that Emperor Jobs is not wearing any clothes.

I admit Microsoft products have flaws, however once they are discovered, workaroundws and fixes are quickly made available. In fact, thanks to the design of Widnows, it is easy for the average person to get behind the scenes and make the fix. But, why is Microsoft seemingly plagued by flaws? In my opinion it ois because they try to be the OS for everyone. They try to accompdate a wider range of applications, programming languages, hardware, software and peripherals. Unlike Apple’s monopolistic practices, Microsoft does not seek to control the whole environment. Anyone can build, sell and distribute Windows compatible software or hardware. While one can pay to have their creation certified by Microsoft, this is not required.

However, Apple keeps tight control on anything that one wants to sell for their products. Is that a good thing? Maybe as far as avoiding computer problems. However, didn’t all the government entities get after Microsoft for trying to exercise such control? Why was Microsoft persecuted while Apple gets a free pass? I’m sure that it has to do with the fact that to this day, 95% of all desktops are Windows based and Microsoft has deeper pockets and that’s what the lawyers went after.

I mean look at all the controversy about the Apple Store. If you purchase an iProduct, all your content needs to be approved by and bought through Apple’s portal. Doesn’t that just scream of the giant corporation crushing individual inspiration? I enjoy the recent story about the 15year old who outsmarted Apple by creating a tethering program for the iPod (something disallowed by the TOS). It got past the Apple censors by labeling it as a flashlight application. Once they realized the deception, Apple quickly shut the program down. Talk about killing innovation.

Many Apple Devotees point at PC Enthusiasts and talk about “Apple Envy.” For some reason they think that the rest of the world is envious of their gadget. That we want to make our PC’s look like a Mac. If anything I find the opposite to be true. Afterall, it is the Apple world that created Parallels, a program to allow Apples to run Windows. Envious of a closed platform, of a system where the hardware is still owned by the manufacturer and I am only leasing it’s use? No thanks, I’m very happy to be a PC.

Next controversy that I tackle will be Blackberry vs iPhone.

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