
Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby on Board, That's Your Problem

Child Safety Baby On Board SignI hate when you're driving down the road and in front of you is some oaf driving in front of you with one of those sickly, obnoxious, yellow "Baby on Board" signs stuck to the rear windshield. Oh, I'm sure the kid is sound asleep in the back of the car as cute as a button. But, what I adamantly object to is the idea that because that jerk has posted a sign, that I'm going to drive any differently than my normal safe driving style?

To me it is a metaphor for what is wrong with our society. The idea that we can unburden our responsibility on to others just by posting a sign. So, now it is my responsibility to watch out for the brat in the car ahead because I was warned. You see signs like this all over. We all take it as friendly reminders but, we all know there is legal precedent at work here.

One cannot buy a cup of coffee in this country without the words "Caution, Contents may be Hot" on printed around the side. Why is that? Because some years ago, a lady bought a cup of coffee at a McDonald's Drive-Through, placed it between her legs as she drove and wound up spilling it on her lap. I'm sure it was a painful lesson, but what did she expect? I guess she expected a million dollars from McDonald's because they didn't caution her about her own stupidity and she found a jury that agreed. So today, at McDonald's and every other coffee selling outlet in this country now have caution labels on every cup. Personally, I would have sued if I ordered hot coffee and it was served cold, but that would be logical.

On a recent trip to Nantucket I noticed a T-Shirt which had a nautical design on it and provided the coordinates to Nantucket Island. Stuck to the shirt was a yellow sticker that said, "Manufacturer disclaims responsibility if teeshirt is used as a navigational aid and cannot be held liable for any damages..." I can't imagine someone mistaking the writings on a T-Shirt for the same technical markings one would expect on a map. But, I guess someone found a lawsuit there.

Think of it, in every bar is a sign warning pregnant women not to drink. On cigarette packs are warnings that smoking will kill you. Every Fall the AAA plasters the area with signs that proclaim, "School's Open, Drive Carefully." So, is it then OK to drive recklessly all Summer? My point is that people are not going to change their habits because a warning sign is posted. It just makes it easier for the lawyers to get the verdicts they want.

Caution: The previous material is nothing but the rantings and general opinions of the author. It is not intended to be used as legal advice nor is it intended to suggest that you ignore any warning signs or labels, especially ones that may seem logical. Use of any information within this blog or any others that I may or may not write in the future or in the past is purely at your own risk. Any similarities to the views and opinions of any person living, dead or undead are purely coincidental. Void where prohibited by law. So there.

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